USPS To Test “Informed Address” — A Delivery Number, No Physical Address

WASHINGTON, DC — December 4, 2018 — The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is operating in an increasingly digital world where communication and marketing efforts often rely on digital channels. USPS launched Informed Delivery in 2017 to help bridge the gap between the physical and digital, and now more than 13 million people are using this feature to digitally preview their mail and manage packages.

Building upon the success of Informed Delivery, USPS continues to innovate to provide an engaging and relevant experience for consumers.

Next year, USPS will begin testing a new technology: Informed Address. This innovation replaces a delivery point with a unique code that only USPS can decode, allowing business mailers to send mail without knowing a consumer’s physical address — providing consumers with enhanced privacy and identity protection. — from USPS