Managing the Challenge of Achieving More with Less


by Ken Hoyle, MCOM, CPC
Manager Business Services
Houston Community College

In industries spanning over three decades, the mantra of “doing more with less” has become a recurring theme in managerial discussions, particularly at conferences and industry gatherings. Managers, seasoned by years of experience, find themselves grappling with the constant pressure to achieve greater results while operating within increasingly constrained resources, including limited staffing levels.

The Evolution of Workforce Dynamics:

Over the years, advancements in technology and shifts in market dynamics have reshaped the way businesses operate, leading to a leaner and more agile workforce. While these changes have undoubtedly brought about greater efficiencies and opportunities for innovation, they have also placed additional burdens on managers who are tasked with maximizing productivity with fewer staff members.

Strategies for Efficiency and Optimization:

In response to the “more with less” mandate, managers have been compelled to adopt creative strategies for optimizing resources and streamlining workflows. This may involve implementing automation tools, restructuring teams, or outsourcing certain functions to external partners.

However, these solutions often come with their own set of challenges, including the need for upskilling and reskilling employees to adapt to new technologies and workflows.

The Challenge of Managerial Reorganization:

Additionally, managers may face the daunting challenge of taking over another manager’s department, particularly in scenarios where organizational restructuring or downsizing occurs. This can significantly increase their workload and responsibilities, requiring them to navigate unfamiliar territory while still striving to achieve optimal results with limited resources. Moreover, the prospect of job cuts within the managerial ranks adds another layer of complexity and stress. The uncertainty surrounding job security can exacerbate feelings of anxiety and strain on managerial well-being, further highlighting the importance of resilience and support in navigating such turbulent times.

Resentment and Treatment of Previous Manager’s Employees:

Addressing the potential resentment and treatment from employees of their predecessors is crucial for new managers. Employees may harbor feelings of loyalty or resentment towards the previous manager, which can influence their attitudes and behaviors towards the new manager. To navigate this situation effectively, the new manager must prioritize open communication, trust-building, and empathy towards employees’ concerns.

Actively listening to grievances, acknowledging feelings, and involving employees in decision-making processes where appropriate can help alleviate tensions and foster a positive working relationship. Additionally, the manager must address any performance issues within the team and seek advice from HR as needed. This approach ensures that lingering concerns from the previous management are handled transparently and effectively, promoting a fair and conducive work environment for all employees.

The Toll on Managerial Well-Being:

As managers navigate the complexities of managing increased responsibilities with fewer resources, the toll on their mental well-being cannot be overlooked. The constant pressure to deliver results under challenging circumstances can lead to feelings of burnout, anxiety, and, in some cases, depression. Despite their experience and resilience, even seasoned managers are not immune to the strain of shouldering heavy workloads amidst resource constraints.

The Importance of Support and Resilience:

In light of these challenges, it is essential for organizations to prioritize the support and resilience of their managerial workforce. This includes providing opportunities for professional development, fostering a culture of collaboration and teamwork, and offering access to mental health resources and support networks.

Managers must not hesitate to seek help from company resources such as Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) when facing difficulties. By investing in the well-being of their managers, organizations can cultivate a more resilient and effective leadership cadre capable of navigating the complexities of today’s business environment.

Conclusion: Navigating the Path Forward:

As managers grapple with the perennial challenge of “doing more with less,” it is crucial for organizations to acknowledge the strain it places on their mental well-being. By fostering a culture that values resilience, providing support, and implementing strategies for optimizing resources, organizations can empower their managers to thrive amidst the pressures of the modern workplace. Ultimately, by prioritizing the well-being of their managerial workforce, organizations can cultivate a culture of success, innovation, and sustainable growth in the years to come.