How to Select an Address Autocomplete Tool

Imagine the customer’s plight at having to type it on your order form! Thankfully most city and street names have fewer characters but the spellings can still be quite confusing. Making a spelling mistake when entering addresses is not just frustrating for customers who may get their orders late but also bad for your database.

From Melissa: “Taumatawhakatangi­hangakoauauotamatea­turipukakapikimaunga­horonukupokaiwhen­uakitanatahu”

This may sound like gibberish but it’s actually the name of a place in New Zealand.

Imagine the customer’s plight at having to type it on your order form! Thankfully most city and street names have fewer characters but the spellings can still be quite confusing. Making a spelling mistake when entering addresses is not just frustrating for customers who may get their orders late but also bad for your database.

Did you know that the rate of human error in data entry can be as high as 5%! What you need to minimize such errors, is an address autocomplete tool … (click to read more)