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MAI Parcel Handling Processing Systems

From MAIL Magazine June-August 2019 edition:

Ecommerce is changing everything, especially how companies prepare and ship their products. Increasingly “moving mail” means moving parcels — and sorting and conveying packages is nothing new to Mail Automation Inc. (MAI).

In fact, MAI is best at designing and installing conveyor sortation systems — especially for the burgeoning parcel handling and sortation requirements of ecommerce.

MAI modular parcel sortation systems enable operations to sort, route, divert, and consolidate parcels which can then be stored, processed, palletized, or shipped. Systems can be scaled to current needs and expanded as needed.

The secret to MAI’s success is customization. A wide range of technology is available to sort and convey parcels, but selecting the best for an operation depends on many factors including facility, parcel sizes, sort parameters, destinations, special handling, tracking, and carrier preparation.

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Maximizing space is often a critical consideration, as well as minimizing human interactions. Automating as much of the process as possible ensures lower costs and great accountability.

Customizing a system is easier said then done, because many companies need a system that can grow with them. This means the technology has to be utilized to maximize customer benefit, and not the other way around. With some vendors, the customer’s needs are subordinated to all-for-one systems with features not required.

MAI begins with identifying the customer’s current and future needs. This is then measured against available processing space with solutions developed to efficiently process parcels within budget.

MAI systems are used throughout the United States providing trouble free sortation and conveyance, while saving time and money. To learn more about MAI, call (844) 808-5454 or go to

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