New USPS Guides To Informed Visibility Mail Tracking & Reporting

The USPS released two important guides for Informed Visibility Mail Tracking & Reporting:

1. IV Mail Tracking & Reporting User Guide

This guide provides information about the USPS Informed Visibility Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV-MTR) application, which allows mailers to track letter and flat containers, handling units (trays, tubs, and sacks), bundles, and pieces.

IV-MTR provides the mailing industry with powerful insight into the Postal mailstream. The application provides near real-time mail tracking data for letters and flats. It leverages the intelligence of Full-Service Intelligent Mail and nesting associations to create assumed handling events and offers logical handling events, such as logical delivery events, based on business rules. With IV-MTR, mailers can leverage key information about their mailings to manage operations, refine processes, and adjust marketing campaigns as needed.
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2. Informed Visibility Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV-MTR) Mail.XML Guide

This guide provides information about using MailXML to receive mail tracking data through the IV-MTR application. Through Mail.XML, mailers can receive visibility information for letter and flat containers and handling units (trays, tubs, and sacks).
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